When to see your ophthalmologist?

Why take my child to the ophthalmologist?

You have no obligation to take your child to see an ophthalmologist. Be aware, however, that children do not themselves detect their vision problems, which they consider to be normal. It is up to you, parents, to ensure that visual problems are detected at an early age. The sooner the better, because the first consultation is the most important for the child.

The first visit can be made from the age of 12 months, especially if you have glasses wearers in the family! Consulting an ophthalmologist allows problems to be detected while your child is still young:

  • to correct them (amblyopia, strabismus)
  • or slow down, or even stop their progression (hyperopia, astigmatism, etc.)

From 5 to 10 years old, the child's visual acuity evolves but has still not reached maturity (lateral vision is still limited). Due to this development, problems may appear at this time. This is why taking your child to the ophthalmologist regularly during childhood is important.

How often should you take your child to the ophthalmologist?

The frequency will depend on several factors, namely the results of the first appointment, your family history, and whether you personally find it useful to take him.

Do not hesitate to monitor your child, and ask your pediatrician for advice, in order to guarantee good visual health for your child.
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