
Almost invisible, In-Ear and Peritympanic hearing aids are discreet but still provide you with high quality sound. Read more
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60 days to try your hearing aids


Almost invisible, In-Ear and Peritympanic hearing aids are discreet but still provide you with high quality sound.

  • Basic
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • Premium


Help for a connected life

  • Streaming calls Receive calls in your hearing aids
  • music streaming Listen to music in your hearing aids
  • smartphone app Easily access your custom settings
  • Calm Comfort in domestic calm
  • Outdoors Outdoor comfort without speech


Help for everyday life

  • Stream calls Receive calls in your hearing aids
  • Music streaming Listen to music in your hearing aids
  • Smartphone app Easily access your personalized settings
  • Calm Comfort in domestic calm
  • Outdoors Outdoor comfort without speech
  • One-on-one private conversation with soft background noise
  • Audible shocks Tolerate aggressive noises


Help for life in society

  • Streaming calls Receive calls in your hearing aids
  • music streaming Listen to music in your hearing aids
  • smartphone app Easily access your custom settings
  • Calm Comfort in domestic calm
  • Outdoors Outdoor comfort without speech
  • Private chat Face to face in a light background noise
  • Sound shocks Tolerate aggressive noises
  • Family reunion Chat in a small group in the noise


Help for an active life

  • Streaming calls Receive calls in your hearing aids
  • music streaming Listen to music in your hearing aids
  • smartphone app Easily access your custom settings
  • Calm Comfort in domestic calm
  • Outdoors Outdoor comfort without speech
  • Private Chat Face to face in a light background noise
  • Sound shocks Tolerate aggressive noises
  • Family meeting Chat in a small group in the noise
  • Restaurant Talk in a very noisy place
  • Show and music Enjoy every musical genre
Choice of glasses
Single vision lenses
Anti-reflective and anti-scratch treatment
Uniform lenses, with the same optical power for all the lenses.
Progressive lenses (Appointment in an Acuitis store)
Presbyopic lenses to correct distance vision, intermediate vision and near vision.
Try in store
Customer service
As soon as your order has been validated, an optician will contact you to collect your health information (prescription, pupillary distance).

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As soon as your order is validated, an optician will contact you in order to collect your health information (prescription, pupil distance).

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