Virgin Mojito


La Virgin Mojito séduit par son design intemporel. Découvrez toutes les teintes de cette monture pantos en acétate, résolument moderne.

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  • Virgin Mojito
  • Virgin Mojito
  • Virgin Mojito
    Cristal Bleu
  • Virgin Mojito
    Ecaille Grise
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  • Description
  • Matière
  • Dimensions

La Virgin Mojito séduit par son design intemporel. Découvrez toutes les teintes de cette monture pantos en acétate, résolument moderne.


Longueur des branches : 145
Largeur du pont : 20
Largeur des verres : 48

Acétate de cellulose
Acétate de cellulose
Cellulose acetate is a natural material composed of 95% cotton flower or wood pulp. It offers comfort and a unique style to our frames through the richness of its colors and its graphic effects. "Handmade" mounts.
You can compare the dimensions of your old frame with these to check that it will fit your face perfectly.
48 20
Choice of glasses
Single vision lenses
Uniform lenses, with the same optical power for all the lenses.
Progressive lenses (Appointment in an Acuitis store)
Presbyopic lenses to correct distance vision, intermediate vision and near vision.
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Choice of lens tint
Indice 1.5
100% UV protection Category 3
Customer service
As soon as your order has been validated, an optician will contact you to collect your health information (prescription, pupillary distance).
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As soon as your order is validated, an optician will contact you in order to collect your health information (prescription, pupil distance).

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